Get Paid to Write for Payette Forward

Payette Forward wants to publish you! Help us build a collection of high-quality, user-friendly articles that help people solve problems with their iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, PC, Apple Watch, and other devices.

You don’t need to be a tech-wiz to write for Payette Forward. What’s more important is that you’re able to write in a style that’s warm, friendly, and understandable by everyone – not just geeks.

We’re looking for people with these skills:

  • Have enough technical knowledge to help a friend solve a problem with their phone or other device
  • Understand how a user typically notices they first have a problem and why it’s frustrating them
  • Explain each step of the solution in a way that’s easy to understand by people of all technical abilities
  • Write in a warm, friendly, inviting style

Writing for Payette Forward is a great opportunity to expose your work to a wide audience and be part of a team that’s all about helping people solve problems. People trust that when they turn to Payette Forward for an answer, they’ll not only get high-quality information, but they’ll be able to understand it too.

To get an idea of the type of article we’re looking for, read “Why Does My iPhone Battery Die So Fast?”, an article that went viral on Facebook and was read by over 5 million people the first week of February 2014.

What do I write about?

We’ll provide you with a topic and give you an idea of answer we’re looking for. Your job will be to present the information in a way that’s enjoyable to read and understandable by everyone. If you have ideas, we’d love to hear them!

Why should I write for Payette Forward?

You’ll make money and help people solve a problem at the same time. You’ll have proof that you can translate technical knowledge into everyday language, and that’s a great résumé builder. There’s a good chance you’ll have the ability to say, “If you search Google for the answer to that problem, my article is the first one that comes up.”

We’d love to hear from you.

To get in touch with Payette Forward and learn more about what we’re looking for, fill out the form below and provide a short writing sample (one paragraph is just fine) that explains how a user can turn on their iPhone or Android phone’s flashlight. Write about the phone you use.

Don’t make any assumptions about what the user already knows. Instead, write as if someone who just got their very first iPhone or Android smartphone came up to you and asked, “How do I turn on the flashlight on my phone?”