Thank you so, so much.
We’re a startup. The real kind of startup, where there isn’t a lot of money; there aren’t investors; where we do what we do because we love it and I couldn’t think of a better job than the challenge of helping people and growing a business.
I’m immensely grateful for the small team we’ve put together — David Lynch is a fabulous writer, Heather Jordan does an amazing job with the Facebook group, and Stephen Mullinax is our graphic designer extraordinaire. None of us do it because the money’s great — we do it because we love it.
Where David Lynch and I work, in my apartment
Whatever you can give is immensely appreciated. I spend the money on server costs like hosting through the different companies we use, service fees, and, most importantly, to pay the members of my team. Thank you for your support.
I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you to donate using PayPal.
Thank you again,
David Payette