How Do I Add Notes To Control Center On My iPhone? The Truth!

You want to quickly jot down a thought, but you’re struggling to find the Notes app on your iPhone’s Home screen. In iOS 11, Apple introduced the ability to add new features, such as Notes, to your iPhone’s Control Center. In this article, I’ll show you how to add Notes to Control Center on your iPhone!

How To Add Notes To Control Center On An iPhone

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Use your finger to tap Control Center.
  3. Tap Customize Controls.
  4. Tap the green plus button add control center control button next to Notes to add it to Control Center.

add notes to control center on iphone

Start Writing Notes!

You’ve successfully added Notes to Control Center on your iPhone! Thanks for reading this article, and make sure to check out our other articles on the features you can add to Control Center.

All the best,
David L.

About Author

David Lynch is an expert on cell phones, cell phone plans, and other tech. After using a flip phone into his early 20s, he learned the ropes about iPhones and Androids from a former Apple employee. Today, his articles and videos are read and viewed by millions, and he has been cited by major publications including Reader's Digest, Wired, CMSWire, Consumers Advocate, and more.

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