iPhone Stuck In Recovery Mode? Here’s The Real Fix.

You left your iPhone alone for a while and when you came back, it was stuck in recovery mode. You tried resetting it, but it won’t even connect to iTunes. In this article, I’ll explain why your iPhone got stuck in recovery mode, how a little-known piece of software may help you save your data, and the how to fix the problem for good.

I worked with a lot of customers whose iPhones were stuck in recovery mode while I was at Apple. Apple techs love fixing people’s iPhones. They don’t love it when that same person walks back into the store two days later, frustrated because the problem we said we fixed came back.

As someone who’s had that experience on more than one occasion, I can say that the solutions you’ll find on Apple’s website or in other articles online may not permanently fix this problem. It’s relatively easy to get an iPhone out of recovery mode – for a day or two. It takes a more in-depth solution to fix your iPhone for good.

Why Do iPhones Get Stuck In Recovery Mode?

There are two possible answers to this question: Software corruption or a hardware problem. If you dropped your phone in the toilet (or it got wet some other way), it’s probably a hardware problem. Most of the time, a serious software problem causes iPhones to get stuck in Recovery Mode.

Am I Going To Lose My Data?

I don’t want to sugar-coat this: If you haven’t backed up your iPhone to iTunes or iCloud, there’s a chance your personal data will be lost. But don’t give up yet: If we can get your iPhone out of recovery mode, even for a little while, you may have the opportunity to save your data. A free piece of software called Reiboot can help.

Reiboot Fix iOS StuckReiboot is a tool made by a company called Tenorshare that forces iPhones into and out of recovery mode. It doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try if you want to rescue your data. There are Mac and Windows versions available on Tenorshare’s website. You don’t have to buy anything to use their software – just look for an option called “Fix iOS Stuck” in the Reiboot’s main window.

If you’re able to get your iPhone out of recovery mode, open iTunes and back it up right away. Reiboot is a band-aid for a serious software problem. Even if it works, I highly recommend you keep reading to make sure the problem doesn’t come back. If you try Reiboot, I’m interested to hear whether it worked for you in the comments section below.

A Second Chance To Save Your Data

Repair iPhone in iTunesiPhones stuck in recovery mode won’t always show up in iTunes, and if yours doesn’t, skip to the next step. If iTunes does recognize your iPhone, you’ll see a message that says your iPhone needs to be repaired or restored.

If Reiboot didn’t work and you don’t have a backup, repairing or restoring your iPhone with iTunes may not delete all your personal data. If your data is still intact after your iPhone reboots, use iTunes to back your iPhone up right away.  

The other articles I’ve seen (including Apple’s own support article) stop at this point. In my experience, iTunes and Reiboot offer are surface-level fixes for a deeper problem. We need our iPhones to work all the time. Keep reading to give your iPhone its best chance to never get stuck in recovery mode again.

How To Get An iPhone Out Of Recovery Mode, For Good

Healthy iPhones don’t get stuck in recovery mode. An app might crash now and then, but an iPhone that gets stuck in recovery mode has a major software problem. 

Other articles, including Apple’s, recommend restoring your iPhone to make sure the problem doesn’t come back. Most people don’t know there are three different kinds of iPhone restores: The standard iTunes restore, recovery mode restore, and DFU restore. I’ve found that a DFU Restore stands a better chance of permanently solving this problem than the regular or recovery mode restores recommended by other articles.

itunes-detected-recovery-modeDFU stands for Default Firmware Update, and it’s the most in-depth restore you can do on an iPhone. Apple’s website never mentions it at all, but they train their techs to DFU restore iPhones with serious software problems. I wrote an article that explains exactly how to DFU restore your iPhone. Come back to this article when you’re finished.

Put Things Back The Way They Were

Your iPhone is out of recovery mode and you’ve done a DFU restore to make sure the problem never comes back. Make sure choose to restore from your iTunes or iCloud backup when you set up your phone. We’ve eliminated the underlying software issues that caused the problem in the first place, so your iPhone will be even healthier than before.

What To Do If Your iPhone Is Still Stuck On Recovery Mode

If you’ve tried everything I’ve recommended and your iPhone is still stuck, you probably need to have your iPhone repaired. If you’re still under warranty, I recommend you make a Genius Bar appointment at your local Apple Store. When a DFU restore doesn’t work, the next step is usually to replace your iPhone. If you’re out of warranty, that can be very expensive. If you’re looking for a less-expensive alternative for repairs, iResq.com is a mail-in service that does quality work.

iPhone: Out Of Recovery.

In this article, we talked about how to get an iPhone out of recovery mode, options for recovering your data, and the best way to prevent the problem from coming back. If you feel like leaving a comment, I’m interested to hear about your experience fixing an iPhone that was stuck in recovery mode.

Thanks for reading and remember to Pay It Forward,
David P.

About Author

I'm a former Apple employee and the founder of Payette Forward, and I'm here to help you with your iPhone.

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4 years ago

Hi, can iPhone really got to the point where it has so low storage that it cannot be turned on anymore without losing data (getting error 14 while stuck in recovery mode loop)?

What Is iPhone Recovery Mode? Here's The Truth!
5 years ago

[…] something go wrong? Check out our other article for […]

6 years ago

No it’s not. It does nothing unless you pay, and it’s very expensive.

7 years ago

your reiboot may not be genuine

6 years ago

Mine is Iphone 6 , dont know what happened it was on my pocket around 1 hour later I took from my packet , from it was not working , when trying to touch my fingure asking password , Im providing PW , even though it was not pening , im trying for siri , it is also enter password to use siri , I was enterd password , even its not working . so please suggust me what to do ???????????????????????????

6 years ago

Bought Reiboot. It works well for me. useful tool.

6 years ago

Well, I think it may depends. My classmates in Montclair State University and I use Reiboot to fix our new iPhone X/8, and it makes our phones normal again. For us, the free version of Reiboot is totally enough.

6 years ago

Reiboot works like a charm ! I don’t know what to say but you people are fxxx genius ! My stuck-in-boot-loop 6S just come back to live !

6 years ago

At least it helped me exit recovery mode……I though ReiBoot is good.

6 years ago

Hello! I tried Reiboot. At least, the feature for exiting the recovery mode is free. But, I have an iPhone which seems to have some serious problems related to hardware. If I click Exit recovery mode in Reiboot, it turns off then on, bringing the recovery mode again. Any ideas?

6 years ago

Bought Reiboot Pro, and still doesn’t help much.. my iPhone 6 still stuck on white Apple logo..

7 years ago

reiboot is lifesave, exit recovery mode just 1 click. sooooo gooood

7 years ago

Actually, ReiBoot is a totally freeware to get iPhone out of recovery mode with only one click, It helped me to get my iPhone 6s back to normal again.

7 years ago

Reiboot does not help and is never for free, NEVER!

8 years ago

Yes David, this happened to me one time. When the new jailbreak for iOS 9 came out, we had a problem called BLoD. The Boot Loop of Death is what jailbreakers were calling it. We called it that because it would sometimes happen when rebooting, hence the name. But essentially the same thing. Stuck with what I coined as the Apple Logo of Death. The only thing that worked was a DFU restore. Obviously I lost everything but my iCloud backup got me back to normal in no time. Excellent paper David. I believe you’re 100% correct that only a… Read more »

K Gallagher
8 years ago

Thank you soooooo much for this post! I was able to exit recovery mode using Reiboot and the problem appears to be completely fixed (for now i suppose), but i was able to backup my IPhone to ITunes again so I won’t have to worry about losing my data if I have this issue again. Thanks again!

8 years ago

Very comprehensive post. I have learned lots of useful tips from this. Thanks!