My iPhone Touch Screen Is Not Working! Here’s The Fix.

It’s natural to feel frustrated when your iPhone touch screen is not working. You use your iPhone for everything, from making calls to scrolling through pictures — but don’t let your “touch screen troubles” get you down. In this article, I’ll explains why the touch screen on your iPhone is not working, how to fix the problems that can be fixed at home, and recommend some great repair options, if it comes to that.

There are a lot of reasons why your iPhone touch screen might stop working. Thankfully, there are also a lot of ways to fix those problems.

Why Is My iPhone Touch Screen Not Responding?

The first thing we need to do is figure out why your iPhone touch screen is not responding to touch. Usually, the problem is caused when the physical part of your iPhone’s display that processes touch (called the digitizer) stops working correctly or when your iPhone’s software stops “talking” to the hardware the way it should. In other words, it could be a hardware or a software problem, and I’ll help you with both in this article.

Troubleshooting iPhone software problems typically doesn’t cost anything. It’s also easier than prying off your screen with suction cups (please don’t do this). For this reason, we’ll start with the software fixes and move on to fixing the physical problems if you have to.

A note about drops and spills: If you’ve recently dropped your iPhone, odds are a hardware problem is to blame for your touch screen trouble — but not always. Slow apps and problems that come and go are usually caused by software problems.

One last thing to keep in mind is that a screen protector can cause touch screen issue with your iPhone. Try removing your iPhone’s screen protector if you’re having problems with the touch screen.

If your touch screen works sometimes, keep reading. If it doesn’t work at all, skip to the section below called When Your iPhone Doesn’t Respond To Touch At All.

A Quick Word On iPhone Touch Disease

iPhone touch disease refers to a series of problems that primarily affect the iPhone 6 Plus. These problems include a gray, flickering bar at the top of the display and issues with iPhone gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom and Reachability.

There’s some debate over what causes iPhone touch disease. Apple claims it’s a result of “being dropped multiple times on a hard surface and then incurring further stress on the device.” They’re aware of the problem and have a specific repair program if you’re experiencing this issue with your iPhone. iFixIt opened up the iPhone 6 Plus and discovered what they call a “design defect.”

Regardless of what’s really causing the problem, you can take your iPhone into Apple and get it fixed for a $149 service fee.

Software Problems and Your iPhone Touch Screen

A problem with the software that tells your iPhone how to act can cause your touch screen to stop working. It may help to reset troublesome software if your iPhone touch screen is not working.

Does The Touch Screen Stop Working When You Use A Specific App?

If your iPhone touch screen stops working when you use a specific app, there may be a problem with that app, not your iPhone. First, check to see if an update is available for the app.

Open App Store and tap on your account icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Scroll down to see a list of available app updates. If there’s an update for the app causing the problem, tap Update to its right.

check for updates to apps

If updating the app doesn’t fix the problem, try deleting and reinstalling it. The app will get a completely fresh start once it has been reinstalled.

Press and hold on the app’s icon until the menu opens. Tap Remove App -> Delete App -> Delete to uninstall the app on your iPhone.

delete an iphone app

To reinstall the app, open App Store and tap on the Search tab in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Type in the name of the app, then tap the Install button to its right. Since it’s an app you’ve previously downloaded, the button will look like a cloud with an arrow pointing down.

reinstall tunnelbear app

If your iPhone touch screen is not working after you’ve reinstalled the app, send a message to the app developer. They may have a fix for the problem or be working on a solution already.

How Do I Send a Message to the App Developer?

  1. Open App Store.
  2. Tap Search at the bottom of the screen and search for the app.
  3. Tap the app icon to open details about the app.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and tap Developer Website. The developer’s website will load.
  5. Look for a contact form or email address on the developer’s website. It shouldn’t be hard to find it the developer is worth their salt. Remember that good developers appreciate it when you let them know about problems with their apps!

visit app developer website in app store

Update Your iPhone

It’s rare, but occasionally iPhone software updates can cause touch screen issues. The most recent documented case of this happening was Apple’s iOS 11.3 update. The problem was quickly fixed by a subsequent Apple update.

Open Settings and tap General -> Software Update. Tap Download and Install if an iOS update is available on your iPhone.

install ios 15 on your iphone

When Your iPhone Doesn’t Respond To Touch At All

Touch screen problems that happen in multiple applications or when you don’t have an app open may be caused by problems with the iPhone’s software. A good first troubleshooting step is to power your iPhone off and back on again, but it’s hard to do that when your touch screen doesn’t work! Instead, we’ll need to do a hard reset. Here’s how:

If your iPhone won’t turn off in the normal way — or if turning your iPhone off and back on again doesn’t solve the problem — try a hard reset. A hard reset abruptly restarts your iPhone, stopping all of its background processes.

To hard reset an iPhone 6s or older, hold the power and Home button simultaneously. Keep holding both buttons until the screen goes black and the Apple logo appears.

On an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, press and hold the power button and volume down button together for several seconds until the you see the Apple logo appear on the display.

To hard reset an iPhone 8 or newer model, press and release the volume up button, then press and release the volume down button, then press and hold the side button until the screen goes black and the Apple logo appears on the center of the display.

My iPhone Touch Screen Still Isn’t Working!

Is your iPhone touch screen still giving you problems? It might be time to try restoring your iPhone to its original settings. Before you do this, be sure to back up your iPhone. You can do this by plugging your iPhone into a computer and running iTunes (PCs and Macs running macOS Mojave 10.14 or older) or Finder (Macs running macOS Catalina 10.15 or newer). You also have the option to back up your iPhone to iCloud.

I recommend performing a DFU (device firmware update) restore. This type of restore is a bit more thorough than a traditional iPhone restore. To do this, you’ll need your iPhone, a cable to plug it into the computer, and the most recent version of iTunes or Finder.

Putting your iPhone into DFU mode can be a little tricky. For a simple step-by-step walkthrough, check out our article that explains exactly how to put your iPhone into DFU mode. When you’re done, come back here.

When Your Touch Screen Hardware Is To Blame

If you’ve dropped your iPhone recently, you may have damaged the screen. A cracked display is one of the most obvious signs of a damaged screen and can cause all sorts of issues with the touch screen.

A drop can also loosen or damage the delicate under-layers of your iPhone touch screen. What you see and put your hands on is just one part of the touch screen. Underneath, there’s an LCD screen that creates the images you see.

The LCD screen and digitizer both connect to your iPhone’s logic board — that’s the computer that makes your iPhone work. Dropping your iPhone can loosen the cords that connect the LCD screen and digitizer to the logic board. That loose connection can make your iPhone touch screen stop working.

The MacGyver Solution

When iPhones get dropped, the tiny cables that connect to your iPhone’s logic board can become dislodged just enough for the touch screen to stop working, even if there’s no physical damage. It’s a longshot, but you may be able to fix your iPhone’s touch screen by pressing down on the part of the display where the cables connect to the logic board. iPhone display connections to logic board

Warning: Be careful! If you press down too hard, you could crack the display — but this may be one of those “nothing left to lose” situations, and it has worked for me before.Press down over iPhone logic board connections

Options for Fixing a Broken iPhone Touch Screen

If your iPhone touch screen is not working because it’s completely broken, you could order a kit and try to swap out the parts yourself, but I wouldn’t recommend it. If something goes wrong and you’ve replaced any part of your iPhone with a non-Apple part, the Genius Bar won’t even look at your iPhone, and you’ll be on the hook for a brand new iPhone at full retail price.

The Genius Bar does a great job with broken displays, but they charge a premium for their service. Make sure to schedule an appointment first if you decide to visit the Apple Store.

Once the damaged pieces are replaced, your iPhone touch screen should work like new. If it doesn’t, the software is probably to blame.

Purchasing a new iPhone is another good option. Screen repairs on their own typically aren’t too expensive. However, if multiple components broke when you dropped your iPhone, they’ll all have to be replaced. Your simple screen repair could turn into something much more expensive.

Investing that money in a new smartphone might be the more cost-effective solution. Check out the UpPhone cell phone comparison tool to find a great deal on a brand new phone.

Back In Touch With Your iPhone

Your iPhone touch screen is a complex and fascinating piece of technology. I hope this article has helped you if you iPhone touch screen is not working, and I’d love to know which solution worked for you in the comments section below.

About Author

I'm Valerie Lauer, a writer, editor and tech enthusiast. I believe in channeling my technical support powers for the greater good, creating helpful how-tos and making life with your smartphone easier.

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6 years ago

When I do press the screen it get’s okay. But after a few minutes, I can’t touch the screen again. What should I do?

6 years ago

Pressing down on the top right corner of the screen worked!! 🙂 Thank you!!!

6 years ago

Thank you so much! I pressed by screen to reconnect the logic board connections and it worked!!

6 years ago

You are amazing! Ive been pushing the screen based on advice of other online help guides, but the fault was intermittent. You helped me to think about how/when the fault occurred. It seems that Facebook was the problem!! Ive uninstalled the app and the touch screen now functions perfectly. Im so happy I could… ah but its late & im tired. Thank you for your advice

6 years ago

I cannot enter my password to get into my phone I tried several times by restarting as you said but it won’t work

6 years ago

Thank you! Found this in a quick Google search. I had to press the spot you recommended over the logic board connections. My phone is working again!

6 years ago

my phone isn’t responding to any sort of touch

6 years ago

Did the hard reset and screen aint working yet

6 years ago

My phone was working fine and as I was carrying it, it started making a noise then the Siri Voice took over and everytime I touched something, the voice would identify it. It tells me that I need to enter my password, but when I do it, nothing happens. I powered the phone off and turned it back on, and the same thing happens. It’s not responding to anything I do, only identifies what I touch! Have never had any problems with this phone before so I am perplexed.

6 years ago

only one part of my screen is not working tried all metodhs please help

6 years ago

i tried everything, my touchscreen still wont work. i already updated the software when i tried to restore so the dfu didnt work :/

6 years ago

thnk you i deleted the last app i downloaded and i re install it

6 years ago

Thank you for the instructions. Squeezing my screen where the cables are fixed my iPhone 6s Plus. I applreciate the simple and logical idea.

6 years ago

OMG I have been dealing with this for months!!! My screen would barely respond to my touch and I had to keep turning it on and off between every couple letters I would type… I would miss calls… etc. This all started after I dropped my phone, but it didn’t crack the screen or anything so I didn’t think that was the problem. I simply followed your instructions and pushed down hard on the top right corner and now it’s working again!!! Feels like magic and sooo relieving.. THANK YOU!

6 years ago

The MacGyver Solution question, do i have to take the back off the phone? Press screen and back (like picture) orded the kit from amazon to get my phone open, for now i tried all the rest of the steps and my touch screen works when it feels like it. Hoping this will do the trick

6 years ago

When your iPhone doesnt respond to touch at all worked for me. Holding down power and home together until it reboots. Thank you so much!

6 years ago

I had a frozen screen. None of the above works for me. Still frozen after a reboot.

6 years ago

that looks like it fixed it! thanks!

6 years ago

Thank you, it was the new app. I never would have guessed that in a million years! Thank you again!

6 years ago

Thank you! I tried hard reset a whole bunch and nothing, then I tried just pressing down on the top right hand corner of the screen like you suggested and that did the trick!

6 years ago

The MacGyver Solution worked for me, even though I have a Otter case and don’t recall dropping it, et al. Pretty clear it’s the cable connection between the screen and the logic board. Thanks for the suggestion.

6 years ago

I got a new screen fitted to mine under warranty at the Genius BAr at Metro Centre Gateshead because it had a white pixel, they give a 3 month warranty with it but a couple of weeks past the warranty deadline the touch stopped responding so if I wanted it fixing it will cost 107 . I think if they fitted a new screen it should be 12 month warranty, the phone is working now and again but its frustrating when texting and it stops working, I’m undecided now of buying another iphone.

6 years ago

MacGyver Solution worked for my dropped phone….SUPER DUPER THANK YOU..!

6 years ago

Pushing on the logic board fixed it, but then when I tried to put it back in the case, it stopped working again and my screen started glitching out. I have these wierd grey glitchy patches on my screen now. How can I fix this?

6 years ago

Oh my god thank you so much!!! This article helped me tremendously!!

7 years ago

Hi I just tu recently dropped shattered the screen and it has now been replaced! But the touchscreen no longer works. Can anyone help me or direct me to the correct place that can fix it properly?? Please

7 years ago

Hello everyone! i need your help to fix my phone. suddenly stop just only screentouch working.but safari or youtube is working by siri helpness! what do i do?

7 years ago

The IPhone 10 is the most expensive phone I’ve ever purchased and to my dismay it stopped working in one month. Should have opted for a proven technology.

7 years ago

my home button cannot be use. how can i solve frozen screen without using home button? any other way?

7 years ago

Yeah! it worked! Thank you!

7 years ago

If you suspect it is your screen don’t try DFU mode. I did, and it doesn’t matter. Rest phone but the screen still isn’t responding, so it doesn’t matter.

7 years ago

Screen wouldn’t work so turned phone off/on, did hard reset with no luck. Pressed the screen hard and fixed it! Thanks very much for the tip.

7 years ago

Wow! This worked! Thank you so very much. The hard reset worked. I had dropped my phone last week and had the screen replaced at a local repair shop. I thought it was gone for good, but your solution worked! The Verizon store is closed today because of snow, and I was just sure I’d be disconnected all day. Thank you!

7 years ago

My phone fell and ever since, I’ve not been able to use it. Done it all but my phone won’t just respond to touch… please what can I do?

7 years ago

my i phone 5s wont even let me into my damn phone
how can i get inro it

7 years ago

My iPhone repeatedly stops responding but it also does this weird thing where Im puting in my pass code and as I press the # the dot fills like it saw it but doesnt stay filled and wont unlock but then I shut it down just with the power button not all the way just close the screen and try again usually it works but sometimes it takes 3 or 4 trys! The screen also locks up and sometimes it just randomly shuts down! Also sometimes the typing lags. Its a iPhone 5s any ideas? Ive done hard resets several… Read more »

7 years ago

Valerie, my iPhone 5c’s erratic touch screen problem went away by simply restarting it twice.
Thanks for your help.

7 years ago

My iphone six plus screen freezes alot not respond??? How i know if the screen or software ??

7 years ago

Thank You

7 years ago

The MacGyver Solution worked for me. No more touch screen not working. No more random typing. Thanks so much!

7 years ago

I pressed down on the top right side of my screen and something clikced back into place! Thank you so much for this simple fix!

7 years ago

My iPhone 8 Screen would not respond to touch at all. Performed the hard reset and it is working normally again. Thanks!

7 years ago

Pressing down on the logic board WORKED!!!! Thanks so very much!

7 years ago

Thanks so much, i pressed really hard as shown and it worked, Cant believe it!

7 years ago

it worked i did not think it would but it did so my phone screen stoped working and i looked this up and it worked

7 years ago

the macgyver solution worked man .. thanks alot lol

7 years ago

Many thanks, The “hard reset” worked like a charm!

7 years ago

Thankyou soo much!!!

7 years ago

I drop my phone way too many times but today I noticed that the top half of the screen seemed to be loose and sticking out only after my touchscreen was non-responsive. When I press down that corner of the screen it bounces back up and won’t stay out. I was able to get it working again after a hard reset but I’m concerned that something is wrong with the logic board connections and that my touchscreen will suddenly stop working again.

7 years ago

Thanks, pushing home and power, seems working at the moment